This is the only way I can call this thing cos I am not getting the symptoms cos I panic but I am panicking cos I get the symptoms!

The last 2 days I have been very short of breath - not asthmatic but just feel as though I am not taking enough air in. It is hard to explain but when I breathe in I don't feel as though I have air and it freaks me out.

I got very panicky last night so went to bed to forget about it. I woke up at 4am unable to breathe but tried to sleep again.

I think it is related to weight gain cos I have put on half a stone recently but it does scare me cos it is making me panic. I am sure it doesn't help the panic.

I am doing reverse panic here cos I am getting the symptoms of panic cos I dont feel well so I panic and normally it is the other way.

How do I ever stop the panic from when I don't feel well?
