Hi everyone,

The English proverb says, “Time is money” this saying draw attention to importance of time.
Experts urge that we use our time better at home and work.

Time management is involved in every aspect of our live.
If we manage our time more effectively, we can do more work with less effort.

Of course, my company has given me an assignment in addition to my regular job, so I have started to set a schedule for accomplishing the task within a few days and maintaining the time to watch the progressing that giving me an appropriate grade.

I tried to overcome any setback without losing the time approaching the plan purpose to complete the assignment goal and I outlined how something has changed and developed from an earlier time to its current from.

My assignment was completed before the deadline – I felt happy ..
I feel really proud of myself...
It is only a matter of having the willingness to gain the time.

Again, clear in your mind, “Time is money”

Love to all,

Shada …

The moon moves slowly, but it crosses the town...