Hiya everyone I am Sue, and I am 36 years old and married with a 6 year old son. I have tried this before and never really got anywhere but I am anything if not persistant!

I would love to have an e-mail / text buddy who can understand what I am going through and who can help me, and me them, through difficult times.

I suffer depression and health anxiety. I get very scared sometimes, and suffer almost constant headaches and occassional migraines. I seem to go through life feeling like I am 'just coping' most of the time, almost waiting for my world to collapse in as it were. I work in the media which is sometimes stressful, I am sure my workmates would not believe I suffer the way I do as we all get good at putting on a front don't we?

I am on medication (Efexor) and have been on others, and this gets rid of the worst of the symptoms but I just find life so hard, and everything so difficult. I would like a friend who I can mail / text and who I can also listen to. Maybe its a bit of self help?

Please PM me if you would like a new friend!!

aka Catwoman (yes I know its pretentious but I work voluntarily for a cat charity and it sums me up )