I have a good job, working for the same organisation for 29 years !. Lots of different roles but its a secure position and pays pretty well.

You may ask " what the hell is the problem then?" Exactly

The trouble is I have had enough, I need to leave. I need a new Job. I have just passed an MBA Masters degree and need to move on, its just the depression and attitude to my bosses holding me back, I feel I am constantly shooting myself in the foot, I am angry, uncooperative arguementative and I don't know how to stop myself.

I can't move like this and the way Im going I will lose the job I have if Im not careful. I know I need to talk but who to? The bosses have no idea how to deal with this. I have years of experience dealing with similar things, but I can't sort out myself. What is the matter with me ??

Does anyone else know this feeling? Have you solved it?