Are you only a success story if you are completely cured?....

I first came to this forum 4 years ago in a complete and utter mess. I had developed a fear of dying, peanuts (well all nuts really), strange thoughts the list is endless (tbh I cant remember half of what I was scared of!)

Anyway after a long time and a hell of a lot of help from the guys on here (plus CBT and Reiki)I felt I could live a 'normal' life again (ie not thinking I was losing the plot and doubting myself at every move!) I think I have came a long way.
Just joined back here this evening - a bit of anxiety has crept back into my life (just had my third son 6 months ago) but I feel I can control it alot better than back then. Mainly due to knowing how to handle my thoughts and actions (ie not repeatadly checking my throat for swelling etc etc etc (you would be amazed how many times a day i checked my throat!)