Dear All,

Became a member of this website today.

I have had post natal depression for just over 2 years,although i am still suffering with this slightly,i am finally over the worst,although i am left with lack of confidence,no self esteem and this terrible anxiety which is making my life a total misery.

I am forever avoiding situations because i get into such a state,and when i do finally face whatever i need to do,i am a total bag of nerves.I want to be happy again and enjoy my life instead of just surviving each day.

I am affraid of ruining my 2 year old son due to keeping him away from social gatherings.tThe last thing i want is to make him as anxious as me when amongst other children.

I feel fairly paranoid most of the time and think that people are talking behind my back and that they are just been nice to me out of politeness,Im sure this is my paranoia again,but its so hard to feel positive.

I am struggling with anxiety folllowing post natal depression