Hi, I was reading the newspaper about 10-00am the paper was on my lap and I must have lowered my head tooo far and I had this sudden sharp pain in the back of my head behind the left ear. Really scary, only lasted a split second realy BUT the fear - what have I done? have I damaged a nerve? After a few minutes I tried to stand up but I was tooo scared to try.
then when I did I felt giddy (was this just panic or something sinister?)
Now my hair feels heavy / my lips / fingers / even my toes are tingling.
Is it all just fear? This is my problem - it is always 'life threatning' How would I know the difference? Even if I want to I cannot see my doctor before tomorrow - Oh the fear is awful!!!!
Does anyone else ever get this sudden pain? I do know I lowered my head more than usual - should have held the paper properly.
Glad to hear from you