There is one big drawback to anti-psychotics imo.

They can have a side effect called tardive dyskinesia. Tardive meaning permanent, Dyskinesia meaning involuntary movements. A bit scary.

It is much more common with the old style 'typical' ones like Chlorpromazine, haloperidol, thorazine, clozapine, etc.
Newer drugs like Quetiapine, Olanzapine, Reperidol are all 'Atypical' antipsychotics, so these side effects are much less common however it can happen with high doses, over a long periods of time.

It's sposed to look quite similar to a person with parkinsons. There is even a phrase referring to it as the "Thorazine Shuffle" commonly seen in heavily dosed up schizophrenics 'shuffling' down the street. I spect you've probably seen a few of em around.

Not good basically. So I'm keeping an eye on my twitchyness as quetiapine definitely makes me twitchy, shaky and gives me sort weird spasm type movements occasionally, but nothing too bad. The Idea that these could become permanent is scary tho. Apparently if it does they can treat it with yet more meds tho.... great!
