Hello all.

I have been getting more and more scared the longer time goes on....I started getting this feeling of a lump in my throat about 3 weeks ago. I left it for a week, hoping it was muscular, and when it didn't go I went to the GP. She said I had enlarged glands, probably due to an infection, but if they didn't go down in another two weeks I should go back. The weird thing is, my throat isn't sore like it would usually be with an infection, which worries me even more.

Well, of course they haven't gone down. It's got worse. I feel like there's something in my throat, affecting my breathing, I can feel it when I swallow, the swollen glands are making my neck stiff and I'm scared - no, terrified - that it's lymphoma

What's worse, I read that you can get gastric lymphoma - I've had awful stomach problems recently - and now I'm convinced that it's all spreading around my body. I'm so upset - I feel like I just can't get a break from all these illnesses.

I am going back to the GP on Thursday, and know I'll find even that short wait hard. I guess I just needed to express my worries with people who understand.

Thanks everyone.

Anna. x