Well..... I have done the impossible for me.......I went to the dentist sat in the chair and had the treatment done. OK I did have a slight panic and colly wobble BUT I actually done it.

Was it just fillings....NO
Was it just a check up...NO
Was it just having a tooth out....YES IT WAS.

My thing about dentists is the needle to numb the gum.....How many needles did I have ....Not 1 Not 2 but yes I had 3. It was a bugger of a tooth to get numb.

But the tooth has come out..The only down side is that it has taken a couple of days to get over it...but I don't mind that because the pain has gone and I can sleep at night.

I have to go back in Sept to have more treatment but it is going to be less traumatic than the tooth out visit.

Well guys better go b4 I bore you to tears. Just thought I would share my news.