...from plunging headlong into another full blown health anxiety session.
I can feel the anxieties building up but so far logic is winning through and I am dealing with the feelings quite well.

Am a bit low at present as I have quite severe Rosacea (am seeing my GP tomorrow). I've also had one cold after another this year - all which have left me with a dreadful cough for weeks afterwards (and this time is no exception). I was diagnosed with asthma last year (mild) and have two inhalers - am stressing because I've had to use both more regularly I tell myself "of course you are using the inhalers alot - your cold has made the asthma temporarily worse" but then I read that lung disease is on the rise and low grade panic begins to surface. Thje fact that I swam 40 lengths of the local swimming pool two days ago with no problems doesn't register although in calmer moments I can say -"hey, if I can do that there cannot be too much wrong with my lungs"

Have to get a grip - I am not yet in the middle of a full blown health panic and I don't want to be.

Any suggestions? Am I doing well not to have succumbed so far to the irrational stuff?