Hi Everyone,

Haven't been here for ages because things were going pretty well for me. Haven't had a panic attack for absolutely ages and then all of a sudden they started again last month. I am now back on Prozac, spent with just a week on Diazepam as I was really scared.

My question is to any other Prozac users and I would like to know if any of you suffer from insomnia? I get in bed at night and am lucky if I sleep for a couple of hours before my sleep is interrupted and I seem to spend all night waking up and trying to get back to sleep again. I work full-time and am a single mum of 3 (to everyone who knows me and all the newbies - I'm gonna be a granny in January!!), so my life is pretty full on with work or the kids, so I should be tired, but I know it's the medication which is making me restless as I was like this last time I was on Prozac.

I want to stay on Prozac because it really suits me in every other way apart from this sleep business. Do any of you who have pretty full on lives have the same symptom? Do any of you who are on other medication can recommend something else that I might be better suited to? My GP advised me to take Prozac because they stop the panic attacks completely, I have had a couple of shaky patches now and again since going back on them, but it's only been a matter of a couple of weeks so I expect the full effects to come in very soon.

Any advice would be most welcome.

Les, xx