A week ago last Sunday i went from coping to out of control in one evening. I started having constant panic attacks and that lasted for 2 or 3 days. On Tuesday night I started my meds (Citalopram 20mg) and they was giving me a lot of suicidal thoughts, migraines, shivers the lot you name it I had it.

Anyway the following day I went to the hospital with my dad for a check-up on him and I didn't even get out the door and I started having a panic attack just like that and I was so embarrassed and ashamed as it lasted for quiet a while (while I was at the hospital) and since then I haven't been out as I'm scared to.

On Thursday I stopped the meds as directed by my CPN and she was supposed to call me on Monday but didn't bother to and while all this has been going on I have got very low and started self harming tonight (slashing my left arm with a knife) and I have spoken to a few friends who all say I need professional help and fast.

I have spoken to my family who cannot seem to suggest anything or just don't care, I have spoken to my CPN who didn't bother to call back on Monday and my GP won't talk to me unless I call him myself and go alone which with social anxiety I cannot do and I am going down hill AND FAST!

I don't know what to do and was wondering if anyone can help. Thanks.