Well, my psychiatrist didn't directly say social anxiety disorder, more hinted at it, strangely enough. He prescribed me Paxil , which so far I've found all right, though I've heard it gets worse before it gets better (which has, so far, been true).

I'm dreading going back for a follow-up, it was hard enough to ask for help on a one on one basis with an authority figure, but I just don't think I'll be able to do it again. I went over our conversation again and again afterwards, picking out all the mistakes I made and stressing out about them. But I don't want to ask for a referral either, because I don't want to hurt his feelings... egh...

Anyways, just decided to post because it was pretty lonely having no posts in here, and I wanted to hear other people's experiences. I find it comforting to hear about how other people are handling it and that I'm not alone.