to seuria
i know what you mean , like you dont want no fuss but you know you do need to get out so that youcan enjoy coming home.Try it cause when you do go out you start to feel a bit more normal and when the night time comes you can look back on the day and think abut the positives and realise that everyones doing the same. i am terrible in the morning anxious and nervous about going to visit people.Ive been off work for 12 weeks now so i think ive become workaphobic.and dont think i will be rushing back. Just my life sucks at the mo, dad in hospital , split up with girlfriend (she wont let me see my son ) CSA breathing down my neck. All this stress is not going to go away over night. The thing is Seuria to look at me theres not much wrong with me but inside im hurting which makes it hard for me to socailise .So i can relate to the agrophobia.Did the anafranil help you get back to normal when you took it for a year last time ? ANY HOW LET ME KNOW HOW YOU GOT ON WITH YOUR DAY OUT ?
love Chad