Hiya all
Tiz me again . I'm after some advice and hoping someone might be able to help. John (my partner), suffers with sa and agoraphobia. Now he is getting over the agoraphobia (sorry if spelt wrong lol) he's gone back to work after a gap of 9 years which that alone is pretty good going and i'm proud of him for it. But as some of you are aware we're getting married end of may and he is now stressing about having to be in the room, taking vows etc etc in front of everyone. He says it makes him feel physically sick just thinking about it. I have always been aware that he has trouble communicating at times, i've seen him sit there and shake with sweat pouring off him. But as hard as i've tried to get him to get some help he just won't and says that he'll get over it in time. Is SA something that does just go away or does he need professional/medical help? Would be grateful of any advice.
Take care