I have had the discomfort 4 weeks now, how long can strains take to get better?

It started just when I coughed like a dull ache down right side of chest, its changed in the last 2 weeks, say if I am sitting on the sofa watching tv and then if I cough it hurts but mostly when I get up off the sofa and stand up straight I get a pulling type feeling on right side of chest or if I wake up in the morning and cough when I first stand up. Once I have been upright for 30 seconds - 1 minute the discomfort goes. Does that sound like its just a strain? its like a dull discomfort.

I had bronchitis about 7 weeks ago, my cough is just about gone after 8 weeks of coughing, lol! but this strain only started when I was coughing a tiny bit, I didn't have it when I was coughing my guts up every second of every day, lol!

It doesn't hurt if I lift anything or if I lean on my hands or anything, its really strange.

GP listened to my chest last week said its all clear now and that its probably just a strain. I just wish it would go, I have never had a strain in my chest before and of course at the back of my mind I do wonder if its something else because its not going its playin in my mind abit.