Hello everybody,

I need to vent. I wasn't going to post this, then decided what the heck.So here goes.

Have you been the victom of harsh words? Has somebody you thought was your friend said mean things to you. Did you doubt yourself after wards. Have wondered what did I do to deserve this?

Well I now find myself there, I have tried very hard to help this person and had to cut myself off, because I found that the negatives were dragging me down. But I wasn't mean about the cut off, I just started limiting my time with this person. They seem to think that I should only be there for them and not care about anybody else an that includes myself. An now I find myself totally blown away at what that person has said to me.

I hope that you can help here, I am at a total lost.

I hope that I haven't spoken harsh to anybody here and if I hurt your feelings then I am very sorry, I have never meant to do that to anybody.

Take Care

I Believe That In Time We All Can Get Better.