Things never go smoothly do they, so the saying goes.

Got myself totally anxious as more pressure has been put on me. As you know my brother and me eventually got mum moved, with a lot of hassle and some unkind things said. So at present we both feel we want a bit of distance. We werent close and now we realise that mum and dad did a lot to prevent us being close. So thats the good news to come out of it.

Well mum has gone skiing for the week, hence why i have got her dog as i was off work and i couldnt justify her paying for a kennel when she doesnt work and will soon realise (i hope) that she will have to curb her spending so she doesnt use all her savings in one go.

Well she has phoned me just now from Italy to tell me she has broken her ankle and snapped her crucia (cant spell) ligament. So who will be the one that has to run around and pick up the piece - ME.

I know it isnt her fault but she had a knee operation 6 months ago and we did advice her that maybe her skiing days were over. My mum has been really nasty to my sister in law so she wont have anything to do with her and i cant blame her. My brother is busy gutting the old farmhouse where mum lived before they move in. It may sound selfish, but i will hopefully be back at work by the end of next week and with having sam full time how am i going to cope looking after her and her dog as she wont be able to have him for at least 6 weeks.

I know people will say dont let her put on me, but she has a pot on all the way up her leg and wont be able to do a thing.

I had a vision that something would go wrong on this skiing holiday.

As one problem solves another one arises. I seem to be one of these people that just gets over one thing and another one slaps me right in the face.

Sorry to twist but got my i cant cope with this head on.

Lots of Love Sal xxxxx