For those that don't know who Alex is, he is my other very supportive half and does a lot of the technical stuff etc but he has never suffered panic/anxiety but supports me and others on NMP with the website/forum work he does.

Anyway ...

Alex has cataracts on both eyes and he is only 39 and they may need operating on.

This was diagnosed 2 years ago and on Tuesday next week we have to see the consultant again to see if they are worse or not and whether they can operate or not.

Now being a man Alex is pretending he is ok but I know he is very worried and rightly so as it is his eyesight that is effected.

Last time he was close to not being legal to drive so they may take his license away until they can operate or whatever they decide to do so he is worried about that as well.

We will know more on Tuesday but can we send him some hugs cos he is very scared (but won't admit it cos he is a MAN) and I know he needs some support and this is one way I can show him how much he means to us all.

Love you Alex and I will be there with you on Tuesday and we will get through it no matter what ok?