My agoraphobia is getting worse I just know it,6-8 weeks ago I would go out of the house (by myself) to buy a packet of durries when the desire for a smoke became greater then the fear of going to get them. Now I would rather go without then have to face the fear of going out.
One of my problems with my agoraphobia is that I feel happy and safe locked in the house and the thought of breaking from this safety zone is to horrible to even think about.I guess what I am saying is that I feel almost happy in a round about way that my agoraphobia is getting worse because then if I don,t go out I don,t have to face the panic and the days of high anxioty I get before I go out. And then have to deal with the horrible physical symptoms after the event.So this is why I feel at the moment that I will never get better.But deep down there somewhere there is gotta be a little part of me who wants to try,I just have to find him somehow.

Anyway sorry I raddled on a bit but it was something I had to get of my chest and share with you all.Just let me know if you think I have just given up or if you think it is a force that is to powerfull for me to deal with at the moment.

Ok take care all BRILL