
Has anyone else found that the benefits system is such a pain in the *****? (insert your own feeling here!)

It appears to favour those who don't have a genuine illness - (especailly mental health) as it's so hard to get around.

At the moment - having been off work for a year and exhausted all my occupational sick pay i'm an only entitled to £92/week, incapacity benefit - and because that is more than the alleged £59/week the government says i need to live on i'm not entitled to income support and the benefits that would give.

I eventually got coucil tax benefit, but they made a mistake and paid me too much, so now i have to pay that back. And i've applied for DLA now - but no-one told me i could claim it after being ill for 3 months!

I was refferred by psych services to the benefits socail team on March 1st and they RECEIVED the referral on August 20th!!! So i had to sort out the benefits on my own - plus, now it's all done by phone or net i had serious problems accessing because of my anxiety induced speech problem and my poor concentration.

Is it just me?

Sorry i just need to rant - cos i have a benefits/bills deficit of over £1000 a month. And it's not helping my recovery.

Anyone know anything about claiming for Industrial Injury benefit because of a work, stress induced illness?

Freaky chick.