Hello all,

Just wanted to post I am reading Stephen Covey the 8th habit at the moment and finding it very helpful with getting perspective on my anxiety. One piece that has really hit me strongly and that I feel I would like to share is this.

'Between Stimulus and response there is a space. In that space lies our freedom and power to choose our response. In those choices lie our growth and our happiness.'

Those of us who grew up with unconditional love in a supportive environment may have a very large space with which to work, whilst others due to various genetic and environmental factors may have a much smaller space but the point is there is a space. I am working every day to make that space bigger and to consequently reduce my anxiety. I am choosing to widen my space by utilising that space for positive good rather than allowing it to constrict me further.

This board is used by all of us to make our space and the space of others we communicate with bigger. By giving our love and support to everyone we encounter on here not only are we enriching and growing their space but we are also increasing our own.