Ok, here goes........... I have a flea infestation problem

God I feel dirty, but I'm not

Anyone got any ideas of getting rid of them cause I've run out?

I have tried the powder, the spray, vacuum every day sometimes twice a day, did the cat with stuff you put on back of neck but it didn't work, so she's now wearing a flea collar. Done the salt on the carpets and upholstery. Can't do the 'bombs' and 'foggers' cause I can't leave my home
I am bitten from head to toe and it's getting worse. So bad even the cat won't come in any more only for food I'm so embarassed

But if I don't get some help soon, I'm gonna go mad with the itching and burn the piggin place down.

Thanks in advance.
Elspeth (The itchy one,lol)