Anyone in Uk who has had one please tell me the truth about it.
I had a flexible sigmoidoscopy back in march and asked the same question on another site and the replies I got all said it was just a bit uncomfortable - well to me it was more painful than childbirth. When I posted this lo and behold some of the same people replied saying it had been same for them but they hadn't wanted to scare me! If they had told the truth I would have asked for sedation so they didn't do me any favours.

My sig was normal and also fecal occult blood tests. My symptoms were weird abdominal pressures and excess wind keeping me awake at night.

I also had ultrasounds and loads of blood tests.

My consultant sent me an appt for colonsocopy but I cancelled it and asked ot see him again to discuss if I needed it and saw him today and he said he is sure I just have IBS but until I have had a colonoscopy he cannot diagnose it. He said I can refuse but it is standard practise now that to diagnose IBS you have to have a normal sig and a normal colonoscopy so they have excluded anything else. I am going to be listed for one in January next year as I didn't want to go throught it before xmas.

He said the only other option was a CT cologram but that would mean quite a dose of radiation and because of my health anxiety over the years I have had lots of xrays so want to avoid radiation.

My friend has had two colonoscopies and she said the prep wasn't nice and even with sedation she was aware of the pain of the proceedure. When I had an endoscopy I only remember when they put the scope down and then back but rest was a blank. As I found the sigmoidoscopy so painful without sedation I imagine the colonoscopy will be just as painful for me.
My mother in law had one and doesn't remember a thing!

Just tell me your experiences then at least I will be prepared.