Hi , great your getting back into it , well done on taking those first steps.
I hate photos that shout at you "HELP" , lol. But in a way its good we have them to show us what we really look like.

I am still loosing weight , SLOWLY , and the funny thing is I have increased some fats into my diet lately , I have changed margarine for Butter and used more olive oil. I have completly cut out CHEESE and anything with sugar in it .

Eating a small amount of protien with each meal and cutting back on potatoes and flours.

I have lost 5lb over the past 2 weeks , so it does seem to work , and I am hoping it helps the anxiety too.

Being a vegatarian , makes it more difficult but it can be done.

If you like chips then you can make them by cutting potatoes into chip shapes, then boil for 5 mins , drain then fry with fry light and bake.
They taste lovely , and you can eat this with beans and quorn sausages and will loose weight cos its waht slimming world call a free meal (eat as much as you like).

Im sure others will post some recipes for you soon