Me again,

Arghhhhh have my first exam tomorrow and I've come down with a cold. I went home (usually at Uni) for the weekend because I was so stressed and felt like I couldn't cope - and my brother had this raging cold that gave him a temperature etc. The way my cold has started is very different to his so I'm hoping I haven't caught the same one.

Anyway, I know it sounds sooo silly next to all these people worrying about serious health issues, but I really really fear vomiting and what with the cold and the exams it keeps popping into my head that I'll feel sick and throw up/need to throw up in the exam. Or (perhaps more realistically) feel so bad from this cold that I'll screw the exams up.

My friends tell me not to worry about it, because it's not doing me any good, but I just can't relax, I'm so anxious. The things that relax me well usually (eg. a bath, sitting with my family and chatting, playing the piano) I can't do here, not to mention I have no time and just have to revise revise revise. I'm just telling myself they'll be over in 3 days (one on each day) but it seems forever-away.

Sorry, I just needed to get it all off my chest because I'm so freaked out and stressed at the moment.

Reading through the other posts has made me very aware of the courage people have on this board - I'm humbled, thank you.