Hi Michelle

You are really inspiring. I have been getting better and better, the panic attacks had stopped and I had started to eat again. Then this last couple of weeks things have been getting worse, I'm feeling anxious alot and have had a couple of panic attacks. I had put lots of things in place to help me get better, not taking on so much, not rushing everwhere, staying at home with the kids more, going to bed early, diet and not drinking alcohol but as you start to feel better you let things slide so I am thinking it means I need to step back and start again.
Before this all started I used to run, then I stopped because I found it physically impossible to due lack of sleep, energy, food etc. About 3 weeks ago I started running again and have been feeling very proud of myslef. I started doing a bit of swimming as well. now I feel like I am under pressure to keep it up 4 times a week like I used to!

I know I am on the road to recovery but it seems like a long haul, I had been hoping to come off the Citalopram after christmas but now think I'll stop thinking about it and take it a bit slower. The steps backwards are hard to take. I just have to remember what a mess I was 6 months ago and how far I have come.
