hello there, i came off effexor 4 months ago, ive spent 9 years on and off medication for acute anxiety and general anxiety and panic attacks. since i have come off medication i have completely lost myself. i am depressed most of the time, every day i wish i was back on medication to relief the constant battle of fighting my own irrational and insecure thoughts. i just want some peace and while i ahve alwasy had problems i ahve never felt like i was depressed. i have two lovely boy sand am coping..just about but i can feel myself gettign worse. i lay in bed every night overanalzing and irrationally worrying about a million things at once and i feel like crying and screaming for someone to just understand and take it away. is this still an after effect of coming off medication or is this the real me?? has anyone out there been on medication for a long period of time and actually coem through the other side??? or is this the real me..insecure, over sensitive, depressed, uncomfortable with myself and bloody bloody miserabl?? i am so so so tired of beign like this. i went to the doctors yesterday and he gave me beta blockers but they dont really touch the surface of my feelings and thoughts, im arranging councilling but is this really going to help?? has anyone actually come out the other side of beign on medication for so long and managed to stay off medication. i am just so lost x