Hello People

Over the past few weeks I've been getting really wound up with all this stuff. Then a strange thing happened. I seemed to get so angry, that my anger has began to turn into motivation and positivity.

So, I thought this would be an oppurtunity for a sequel to the 'Your Social Anxiety' thread that I created. Your Social Anxiety

That one was created with the intention of discovering what exactly social anxiety is, what it means to you, and in turn create more awareness of the specific issues that you need to be dealing with.

I've been posting on message boards like a demon these past few weeks (not just this one), which has been firing up my spark and enthusiasm more and more. Now I feel it has just about come to a head and my anger and frustrations are ready to explode and take the final plunge into an enthusiasm for recovery. For some bizzare reason I've felt the need to make one final thread, as if to complete the transition from that of anger to a state of mind in which lies the recovery process.

This thread may well not work at all (I'm not even quite sure how it is meant to work!), but with some luck it may just prove helpful. Since I'm ready for doing something about this, I thought I would make the effort to do so as best as possible.

The general (using that word very loosely) idea of this thread is intended to encourage a few people to take part in the recovery process and in turn encourage each other. I think by starting this in one thread, we can maybe, just maybe, feel more committed to the whole process, thus in turn adding extra enthusiasm and motivation.

Anyone care to join me?

No rules, just post whatever you think is useful!


I can see this one fizzling out before it even starts, but don't say I never tried.