Oh dear. this is a big week for me. Friday is my work christmas dinner and drinks after and im crapping myself. Been sick for the past week or so, stomach problems but this seems to be clearing up at last. This is in the back of my mind. dont wanna throw up and when my stomachs like this it doesnt help. I hate eating in front of ppl, especially big meals. Each day this week will be like a ticking clock, ticking towards noon on friday and the meal and drinks after. Its like waiting to be hanged lol. well not quite as bad but this is the way it feels. Im tired of feeling like this. when will it end!!!!! To make matters worse theres a girl there i always feel uncomfortable around, a bit of a nasty peace of work. I dont really get on with the people in work and they're all cliquey so i expect to be on the outside of most converstaions. I have diazepam ready as i couldnt face this without it but im still terrified. no doubt anxiety will increase as we get closer to friday. I will survive. its only anxiety but it just feels so awfull aghhhhh!!!. wish me luck people.