I'd like advice please.

I've posted messages before on my relationship problems (the abuse etc), but yet i remain with this man, the man who makes me feel like sh*t.

Thing is, i CAN see his point. I would be frustrated and angry living with an anxious, agoraphobic, with health anxiety and panic attacks. I'm enough to p**s a saint off! My husband wants me to be normal, but how can i be normal when i am in the middle of a health crisis which is making my agoraphobia worse by the day? I can't just flick a switch and make me all better. He must get tired of my moaning about this pain and that pain. I wake everyday with a pain somewhere!!!

The question:-

Should i just let him be and split up with him? I LOVE this man, goodness knows why at times, am i just staying with him because the thought of being alone bothers me. I mean, at the moment at least i have someone there for a cuddle (sometimes). I have no friends only my mother and there is only so much your mother can do for you. If he left then i'd be completely alone, with no one to talk to.

Christmas is in a couple of weeks and i feel about as festive as a turkey! I'm not interested in anything...i would LOVE to be happy with him, but i know he resents everything about me :(

So sad.
