Can I please get some reassurance from you guys, I am feeling rather anxious at the moment. My father really upset me over christmas and my anxiety has peaked

I saw my Dr on xmas eve just to get my iron, I have low ferritin and have to take iron tablets daily, I ran out weeks ago but kept on forgetting to go the dr so with my husband being off work I was told by him to go, lol! When I was there I mentioned to my GP that im feeling tired lately and I have a gland up in my throat, which is about malteser size he had a feel of it and said it was just doing its job and it was nothing to worry about so he did agree it was raised, he said i had the same the other side which made me worry even more, lol!

Christmas eve my 2 yr old daughter wasn't well, she had a temperature, full of cold and generally unwell, i was up about 4 times in the night, I kept going to check her to see if she was ok and not too hot. The kids then all had us up at 6am christmas morning. Christmas day night Jemima was up from 2-4am and similar on boxing night. So I had 3 rough nights with broken sleep. I know im probably being daft worrying but since then I have gone to sleep early and my hubby has even let me have a lie in the last few mornings but I am still shattered, I mean absolutly done in I am so so tired, light headed and I just want to go to sleep but with 3 children thats impossible during the day, haha!

I am getting myself in a panic abit, I feel so very tired lately, I have this raised gland and since august I have been unwell abit, I had bronchitis, another virus then a throat infection earlier this month.

I had a full blood count done only 7 weeks ago which was all fine so my husband says I am daft to worry but I can't help but think there is something serious wrong.

Am I being silly? surely tiredness and 1 gland being up isn't anything to worry about? I haven't lost any weight at all, infact I have gained 2lbs over christmas, I am only a teeny thing so id know if I lost weight