Hi i just wanted to say thanks for the replies, i am very wary of the whole addictiveness part of diazepam but i am also at a point where i feel i have suffered these horrible symptoms long enough and my GP did give me a kind of 'plan' which made sense to me:

-carry on with my citalopram for general day2day anxiety
-take diazepam when i know i am going into a situation where i am likely to feel severe anxiety and only then
-try and push myself when taking them to go further afield than i would normally attempt to go so that i become more familiar with places i havent been to in a while - anywhere more than 5 miles or so away
-hopefully by then in a month or so i will have a new cpn sorted for cbt and exposure work and will feel slightly less anxious about it as i will have familiarised myself slightly with these new places therefore more able to focus on the relaxation and cbt side of things

That was his idea and it makes sense to me whether or not it will work i have no idea all i know is i cant handle feeling the way i do much longer. I am scared of taking that 1st diazepam but i think it is the fear of the unknown, i have no reason to worry about the addictiveness of them as i know i will only use them maybe once or twice a week but i still am worried of how they will make me feel as i am anytime i have to start any new medications.

Thanks again for ur replies