hi im new here to
I think the avatars are funny and are not about putting them selves down, i think its just a bit of humour, my best friend and i always call each other ya nutter or oh well you cant help it your crackers, i think that's better than being stiff about it.
i use to hate meeting new people as they would always say oh and what do you do?
so id sit there thinking what do i say?
i don't work?
nope cos they will think I'm lazy.
i cant work as i have agoraphobia?
and then have to explain it.
all the time I'm thinking through this stuff my heart is pounding and I'm getting more and more stressed so what i say now is when they say what do you do?
i say nothing cos I'm crackers and then smile, this puts them on shaky ground so they don't ask anymore and i don't panic, job done
i think its just how someone thinks about there problems or how they deal with them and like me some deal with it with humor.