
Started taking 20mg Citalopram 18th Jan. First few days were shire hell nauseous, tired, not sleeping, anxiety worse and my 24/7 Tinnitus in my left ear hit the roof, besides not up to doing anything. Managed to see the doctor who said 20mg was too high and to cut it down to 10mg and take it at night. Signed me off work for a few days.

I'm much better now, starting to notice things more now and I'm back at work (returned yesterday).

I also take Diazepam 1 or 2 mg when I'm desperate (not every day).

Just wondering if you think 10mg Citalopram would be okay for my anxiety/panic? I really hope so I don't think I could go through the side affects of 20mg again esp the loud Tinnitus.

I've also just started cCBT with an assessor phoning once a week and I'm in touch with a work counsellor.

Really hope my anxiety/panic attacks get under control soon.