Hi Everyone,

Sorry not to sure what forum to post this in

Just dropping back in after about 8 months on medication. Glad to say things have changed for the better. Had the some low times, but in general life is alot better . Been up to a friend's wedding, eating out everything I wanted to do that my anxiety / depression always stopped me doing in the past.

My next step is to start back at work and there lies my problem. I've been out of work coming up 3 years now. I'm 26 years old, and have a degree etc. I just don't know how to explain this in my C.V. I can only see putting down about my health issues will get me less interviews.

Was wondering what other people did in similar situations? Is it better to lie.. just don't want to get myself into trouble later on.. Once i can sort out my C.V I would feel confident applying again.
