dont really know where to start, i have suffered panic attacks since i was 11 im now 29 i also suffer with emetophobia,

right know im really bad yesterday was my worst i had panic attack affter attack today i dont feel any better, i am also findiong it really hard to laeve the house again, i did get beter a while back and stoped coming here untill recentaly dont know how i have gotten worse again i broke up with my parther last march but we got back together again but didnt stay together untill xmas when his mum threw him out so i took him back inn and from then i feel worse i thought he would support me and he does but yesterday i came home from picking the kids up at school and i walked in and he was looking at porn on the web and when i confonted him he said well u never give me it. which i dont much as i dont feel up to it.

he lost his driving licence in 2007 due to drink driving and his ban was up in jan this year but he still took his car without a licence and today he has been aressted due to driving while disqulified im so angry at him as i kept telling him not to drive the car but he wouldnt listen and now he has to spend the night in jail and court tomorrow,

my dad thinks he will never change and that i should put him out as he belivese he is making me worse and when we didnt live togther i wasnt like this.

i know you cant tell me what to do but i would just love some advice please sitting here shaking and in tears.