I wrote this poem over 20 years ago when I was going through my first main bout of panic. My friends were everything to me then and, I would like to share that with all my new friends at nmp. Hope you like it.

I didn't realise one measured love
In packages and boxes.
To be stored and delivered
In line with custom....

The biggest I'm told is the love of oneself
in pride of place, I am the shelf.
There's the love of ones partner
It comes from the heart.
A love of loyalty, intimacy
'til death do us part.

The love for the child
you protected within.
A love of care and concern
of joy and giving.

There's the love for one's parents,
Now this one's commanded.
Love without question,
do as demanded.

The love for ones neighbour,
Again it is written.
Be generous, be kind
And please feed the kitten.

My love has been measured
And fairly divided,
But what of the friend
How's that one decided?

What share do they get?
What gift from the shelf?
It's the first one of all.... The gift of myself.