I've noticed my Health Anxiety is worse in the weeks before special events, trips, basically anything I might look forward to.
Does anyone else have this problem?
It's driving me nuts, and I end up not being able to enjoy so many things, because of it!
I have something coming up on Friday, which I've been waiting for for years, and I can feel total panic coming on, already. What the heck am I meant to do?

In the past 24 hours I've convinced myself that I have 4 different illnesses, and now I have another problem and I don't know if it's an actual problem, or more anxiety...

About a month ago, I had a sore throat and coughed up some blood. I went to the Doctor and she said don't even worry about, unless it's still happening in a month. So I forgot about it, and it didn't happen again, but this morning I have a slight cough, and I had tiny bits of blood in some phlegm. My nose was bleeding a bit too, when I blew it, so it could have something to do with that. But then my nose stopped and I was still coughing up stuff. My Mum said don't even worry about it, it's probably from coughing and it's only a tiny bit. But I'm starting to freak out, and I don't want to have to go to the Doctors again, unless I really have to...so what do you all think?