
I had my first session of CBT today, It went well but for some reason I feel a bit helpless and down after it, I dont know if this could be also because my fiance has gone back to work after having 4 days off and Im left on my own during the day as im signed off from work and dont really know how to fill the time!, last week I was active, going to the gym and swimming every day but it was only a week pass at the gym and now feel at a loose end I could quite happily go to bed all day but I know that would make it worse....anyway I wont waffle anymore on a happier note I have got my homework to do for next weeks CBT session. My therapist suggested a couple of books worth reading:
Optimum Nutrition for the mind-by Patrick Halford
Mind over mood-by Padesky and Greenburgh
Has anybody read these at all? if so what did you think? X X X