Hi there!
I'm looking for a CBT who will see patients privately in the Bristol area. Can anyone recommend one?

I have suffered from OCD for most of my life although it's nowhere near as bad as it used to be. I also suffer from health phobia and anxiety. I think that the health phobia is the main problem these days. I have been off work for nearly a year and a half due to my symptoms and really want to find a way to get myself better. My main symptom is feeling completely spaced out and tiredness/lethargy.
I get regular periods of ectopic heartbeats (probably as a result of anxiety) and lots of pain in various parts of my body.

I saw a CBT therapist for 6 sessions about 6 months ago but we didn't get far because she said that there was no point in having CBT while I was being investigated for physical problems (I have had liver problems for the last year or so and had to have my heart investigated due to the irregular beats). Another problem was that the therapist was a 2 hour round trip.

I believe that CBT is a good way of treating my anxiety problems and so am looking to find one in the Bristol area. According to BABCP.com there are a few registered CBT therapists in Bristol but I don't want to go seeing one of them blindly only to find out they aren't too good.

Can anyone personally recommend a particular one to me?

