
I have been feeling really great, positive, been going out improved my confidence and started to take care of myself, then wham...its creeping back onto me again. It started this week, I have stopped wearing my makeup and doing my hair, then its donwhill again.

My hubby is going away with work next week - he asked me how I feel about it I said OK, but in reality I cant sleep - I think he is going away to meet another woman and I cant sleep and have a total preoccupation with it. If he gets a text - I assume its off a woman arranging to meet. I am frightened to tell him because he will be angry... He has never cheated, we are going through couples councilling at the moment because I left him earlier this year due to my thoughts around this subject - I search for evidence which is never there and its awful... I really cant stand going donw this road again as I think I would not be able to come out of the other side this time and I am so frightened.

Please can anyone help
