I thought I'd drop in and say hi and just let people who remember me know how I am doing...

I have been going from strength to strength anxiety wise (physical health problems still an issue mind you!).

I haven't had a proper panic attack for over a year, or been up in the night or had to call NHS direct!

My panic and anxiety reached a peak 2-3 years ago, although I have suffered for many years prior... a particularly stressful family crisis (sarah is doing absolutely fantastically!) combined with various other things to tip me into total high anxiety and health anxiety.

I finally got CBT 18 months ago and went every week for a year and now go fortnightly. I have a lot of stuff to deal with still but I am posting right now because I gave up smoking 5 weeks ago (something I couldn't imagine being able to cope with) and flew to Malaga for a friend's wedding (came back on Weds) and I have absolute terror of flying. I flew out on the snowy sunday so had over 4 hour delays and came back through a storm over the spanish mountains!!!!

It's not all a bed of roses but I really am making steady progress. Giving up smoking and flying this year were my two biggest goals so I am absolutely chuffed with myself!

Love to everyone on this site - some of the best people I have EVER met!

Thank you again and again for all your support xxxxxx