Hi Christine,

First off, good luck with your DLA claim and if you don't get it first time then appeal.

Secondly, I felt i had to reply to what you said about getting back to work. From reading your posts i think you are at the same stage in your anx as me and it's like we are putting ourselves out there and doing everything yet there are still some things that seem impossible. I said to my Psych last week that when you aren't able to do anything no-one expects anything from you but when you start going out doing normal things everyone thinks you are recovered and doesn't see the sheer effort we are putting in. I also feel that when you are doing normal (whatever normal is ? lol) stuff you then want to be able to do everything at once but that's not possible..... it takes time.
I'm hoping to get back to College and like yourself i don't know if it will be achievable but hey we have to keep plodding away and stay positive mate as we are making progress ...... we will get there.
All the best
