Iam sooooo angry. I have just returned from taking my three dogs for a walk and I could scream. I take them in the car to a local nature park as my eldest dog has arthritis and can't walk there even though it's only 10-15 mins walk away. And I parked up next to a car that was empty barring a German Shepard panting it's head off in the boot of this estate car. ALL the windows were firmly shut. I took my dogs on their walk which was about 15 mins though I don't get far from the car due to his arthritis. I was therefore able to watch this car, and no one came to check on this dog.

When I got back to the car I was really worked up so I wrote down the registration and walked to the pub which is on the other side of this car park. This was not an easy thing for me to do as I'm quite a nervous person. The people behind the bar looked at me as if I was mad. They did come out though to see if they recognised the car. They didn't.

They said there was nothing they could do and suggested I walked round the pub and asked everyone if they had left their dog in the car. I couldn't do this I was not ready for a confrontation, so I said I would wait another 10 mins and phone the police. I got my dogs back out of the car (With windows open I might add) and played on the grass for a bit.

The bar maid must have known whose car it was because after only two mins a woman came across the car park to the car and opened the window about two inches. She then returned to the pub. I was dying to go over and tell her what I thought of her but thought better of it. The dog had at least got SOME air although letting out for a drink of water would have been the right course of action, and forgetting their own pleasures and taling the dog home.

Bearing in mind it was 23 degrees today I was so angry that people are so stupid when it comes to their pets....they made sure they reached their watering hole after the walk they just forgot about their dog. They are a disgrace.

Sorry about the rant. Andrea xx