Well I finally found myself a hypnotherapist.

Was chatting to my neighbour over the garden fence, as I have done for the last 7 years, when we started discussing anxiety.

She informed me that she had suffered herself some 13 years ago, and had ended up being hospitalised for 3 months.

She told me that her salvation had come when she had been recommended a hypnotherapist.

She gave me his number and I went for an appointment yesterday.

The first 10 minutes we just talked about the problems, how long I'd had them etc.

I was then hypnotized and although totally under, I was aware of everything going on around me and of the questions and my answers.

He spoke to my sub conscious the whole time, asking at which ages certain events had occured to contribute to the anxiety.

We talked about 2 specific ages, and about the feelings that I had at those given times.

Very in depth, so wont bore you all with the details. Some are a bit too personal anyhow!!!

I was under for 1 and a half hours, though it felt like about 10 minutes.

I was very, very sceptical about it all, to be honest, BUT I have to report that I have noticed big changes in myself following the session.

I can't explain it. As I said, I never for a moment believed that it would make any difference to me at all.

But, things in my thoughts have changed for the better, so anything that makes a difference has to be worth it.

Kate x