Hello all, thought I'd add my "addiction" info for you here too. I was prescribed all sorts of weird and wonderful stuff back in the late 70s/early 80s and got totally hooked on Nitrazepam (Mogadon), which is a sleeping tablet (benzo). When I was weaned off loads of other "rubbish" I started to take small amounts of Nitrazepam throughout the day. It had a similar effect I guess to Valium etc. I knew I was totally dependant on these tablets because I'd always run out before my new repeat prescription was due and feel very guilty when I rang the doctors for another prescription. Also, before I'd go to the doctors I'd have massive anxiety "will they know I've taken too many - will I get my prescriptions - what if they haven't got the prescription ready?". Waiting at the counter at the doctors would feel intolerable but ... as soon as I had the prescription (a piece of paper!!) in my hand, all my anxiety would instantly disappear. I knew then that I was addicted/dependant - grrr! I tried twice to come off the tablets but it didn't work. Then, a few years ago, my doctors gave me no option and I was told I had to start coming off them and that they weren't really having any effect on me, it was all psychological.

I very slowly started reducing by 1 or 2 mg every 2 months - a local chemist would send away to a lab for them to be made into capsules. Anyway - cutting a VERY long story short - I took my last Nitrazepam capsule in March 2007 - which is a miracle for me!!!

I really wanted to post my long and boring story for anyone who, like I was, is scared or doesn't believe they CAN come off these types of medication. If I can do it, anyone can - honestly! But I would definately say get the help of your doctor - it's very, very hard doing it on your own.

Wendy xxxx