Hi, I'm a man age 31 and I split with my fiancee last July when I found out that she hd been seeing somebody else behind my back. I'm now a shadow of the man I was before the split. I'm angry all the time, I am bitter, jealous and hateful of ANYBODY who is in a relationship, full of spiteful ways of getting revenge on my ex and her fella (most of which are illegal) I have no hope for the future, I can't sleep more than 5 hours at a time so I am tetchy and irritable all the time - I just feel like dying, and I honestly feel that death is the only answer right now.
I've always hated myself. I am so ugly. Women have never liked me, so therefore I've never liked myself. How could I ever like myself when half of the population of the worls hate me just because of what I look like? My ex is the only gf I've had (4.5 yr r'ship in the 31 years I've been alive)

I don't know what to do. I cry every day and I'm consumed with equal measures of sorrow and rage.