Quote Originally Posted by ChristopherJ View Post
I have not been able to log into the shop. I don't understand why. I just get a message to say that my email address is not recognised.

Any idea how I can get into the shop?

I wants a teddy bear!

[EDIT] Sorry - please ignore the above. I have logged in to the shop now - no problem at all. I just got a bit mixed up first time around.

My bear is on his way!

Or maybe it's a her?
I had the same problem - I guess I am still muddled up because I haven't managed to log in yet (if you know the secret do tell me!). I wondered if perhaps we have to register again but when I went to the form it didn't have the padlock thingie so I wasn't sure if it was secure. But it sounds from what you said that we can log in with our forum details - I just can't get it to work.

I want a bear too!